General Questions

What are the hours of operation?
We are open Monday through Friday from 6:00am to 6:00pm. We are closed on major holidays including New Years Day, Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas. For various other holidays, such as New Years' Eve, Good Friday, and the day after Thanksgiving, we will ask in advance for a list of children that need care and determine if its necessary.
Is there a sleep or rest time?
Color categories and physical specifications of color are also associated with objects or materials based on their physical properties such as light absorption, reflection, or emission spectra. And a properties such as light absorption, reflection. Aliquam sodales justo sit amet scelerisque. Aliqua sodales justo sit amet urna auctor scelerisque. Fusce interdum leo ante, sit amet tempus enim aliquam quis. Praesent eget cursus nisi. Cras feslin is hendrerit vel nibh vitae ornar
How do meals work? Do I need to bring food for my child?
We serve breakfast, two snacks, and lunch each day. The weekly menu is posted on the bulletin board at the entrance. Huntey's Clubhouse meal plans follow recommendations of the USDA, including Low-Fat milk for children two years and older and Vitamin D Whole Fat milk for those under two years old. We serve fresh fruits and vegetables whenever possible due to seasonal restrictions. If your child requires a special diet, parents are responsible for providing this. There is a list of special diet needs posted in each child's classroom and in the kitchen. For infants, formula or breast milk must be provided on a daily basis in individual labeled bottles. Bottles and bags of breast milk are warmed with a small crockpot of warm water in the baby room.
What are the staff qualifications?
Teachers meet or exceed all state requirements. All employees are trained in Infant SIDS & Safe Sleep, Blood Borne Pathogens, as well as Infant/Child/Adult CPR & First Aid.
How are tuition and fees determined?
Color categories and physical specifications of color are also associated with objects or materials based on their physical properties such as light absorption, reflection, or emission spectra. And a properties such as light absorption, reflection. Aliquam sodales justo sit amet scelerisque. Aliqua sodales justo sit amet urna auctor scelerisque. Fusce interdum leo ante, sit amet tempus enim aliquam quis. Praesent eget cursus nisi. Cras feslin is hendrerit vel nibh vitae ornar
What kind of curriculum do you follow?
Color categories and physical specifications of color are also associated with objects or materials based on their physical properties such as light absorption, reflection, or emission spectra. And a properties such as light absorption, reflection. Aliquam sodales justo sit amet scelerisque. Aliqua sodales justo sit amet urna auctor scelerisque. Fusce interdum leo ante, sit amet tempus enim aliquam quis. Praesent eget cursus nisi. Cras feslin is hendrerit vel nibh vitae ornar
Is outdoor play supervised?
Color categories and physical specifications of color are also associated with objects or materials based on their physical properties such as light absorption, reflection, or emission spectra. And a properties such as light absorption, reflection. Aliquam sodales justo sit amet scelerisque. Aliqua sodales justo sit amet urna auctor scelerisque. Fusce interdum leo ante, sit amet tempus enim aliquam quis. Praesent eget cursus nisi. Cras feslin is hendrerit vel nibh vitae ornar
What is the ratio in my child's classroom?
The ratio in each classroom is dependent on the state requirements.
What supplies do I need to send my child with?
Please send a blanket and a pillow for your child for rest time. We will keep the blanket/pillow for the week in your child's locker and send them home on the weekend for laundering. For infants, we have diaper storage units so you can bring a large supply and we will notify you when your child is running low. Diaper wipes are provided by Huntey's Clubhouse, although if your infant requires a specific type you may provide those and we will label them for his/her use only. We have rash ointment on hand, however we will need written permission from the parent to use it. please do not send a blanket as they cannot be used in the crib. (More information on infant safe sleep requirements can be found at,5885,7-339-71548_57836---,00.html ).
Can Huntey's Clubhouse administer medication?
Yes. Any medications that need to be distributed at the daycare must be in their original containers and labeled by a pharmacy. We do require that you sign a permission form before we can give any medication to your child, whether prescription or over-the-counter. In the summer, we are required to have written permission to apply sunscreen, bug spray, anti-itch cream, or any other topical ointment. We will inform you if your child was given medication, when it was, and why we felt it was necessary.
What are Huntey's Clubhouse qualifications?
Huntey's Clubhouse is licensed through the State of Michigan Department of Human Services. There are several rules and regulations that we must adhere to in order to maintain our license. All childcare centers must maintain a licensing notebook which includes all inspection reports and related action plans. Huntey's Clubhouse licensing notebook is located in the office and available for review at anytime.
What ages does Huntey's Clubhouse serve?
Infants through school age children are welcome at Huntey's Clubhouse.

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